15 Fantastic Ideas for Small Gardens.

A small backyard garden with a small sitting area and beautiful plants grown in an order can make a small garden a heaven for the family members. A huge space is not the requirement for designing your own garden and a small backyard space can also be sufficient to have your own garden.

small backyard garden idea

Jarret Interior Design

Small Patio Garden Idea

Patio gardens are norm of the day as they are easy to grow and easy to maintain. With comfortable seating arrangement and beautiful plants around can turn a small empty space into a beautiful garden which is what every one needs. A patio garden can be enjoyed by having a cup of tea, a drink or a cup of coffee and reading a news paper

small patio garden idea

Small Front Garden Idea

A small space in front of the house can be properly utilized to create a small garden. the plants can be of individual choice and this brings a beautiful appearance to the house. The plants should be chosen which don’t grow too long as it can cover the house. The plants which grow to medium heights and shrubs should be chosen for front gardens.

small front garden idea

Small Rock Garden Idea

A small rock garden here the rocks are arranged along with small flowering plants and a rock path transforms a small space into a space where everyone would like to spend their time off. The shrubs with different colors of flowers is a good choice for small rock garden.

small rock garden idea

Small Cottage Garden Design

A cottage garden is one with plants of different varieties not necessarily grown in an order, with some attractive pieces here and there, some grass for natural look, some stone slabs and pebbles. This idea sounds great right!


small cottage garden design

Small Vegetable Garden Design

A small vegetable garden is one with lots of vegetable plants and plants related to everyday use such as mint, coriander etc. This concept of growing vegetables and herbs at home is also a healthy way of living as we can consume healthy fruits and vegetables. 

small vegetable garden design

small Sloped Garden Design Idea

A sloped garden can be grown in a space which is left over in the corner of the house. The sloped garden is grown in steps and with added attractions such as lights near the plants and steps makes the garden much more beautiful.

small sloped garden design idea

Small Raised Garden Idea

A small raised garden is grown on the mud bed which is raised to a certain height which looks perfect in small spaces. These gardens look great next to patios and balconies where one can enjoy the view from the area.

small raised garden idea

Modern Small Garden Idea

A modern garden in a small area can have a seating arrangement with some area allocated to grass, some area to plants and some deck area for seating the guests. This concept works well for having parties and small gatherings.

modern small garden idea

Fearns Studio

DIY Small Garden Design

A garden necessarily need not be designed by professionals and can be done by any one based on their individual taste. the arrangement of plants either in ascending or descending order with some path to walk along and some seating arrangement should be perfect. You may also See Garden Pond Ideas

diy small garden design

C P Landscapes

The garden being a beautiful place which gives relaxation, it should be tried by every home owner whether it is a small house or apartment to have a garden by their own. The sunken garden is also another beautiful concept which can be tried in small spaces.

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