Former actress and fitness model Loni Willison, once a rising star in Hollywood, has been seen living on the streets of Los Angeles. Photographs show Willison rummaging through dumpsters and pushing a shopping cart with her belongings, a stark contrast to her earlier life in the spotlight. She has reportedly been homeless since 2018.
Willison is best known for her role as Kira Mickaels in the 2005 thriller Expose and for gracing the covers of fitness magazines such as Glam Fit and Flavour. Her career, however, took a sharp decline following her tumultuous marriage to Jeremy Jackson, known for portraying Hobie Buchannon in the iconic series Baywatch.
The couple divorced in 2014 amid allegations of domestic violence, marking the beginning of Willison’s struggles with mental health and substance abuse. Reports indicate that she developed an addiction to methamphetamine which, combined with her mental health challenges, contributed to her current circumstances.
Willison has spoken openly about her situation, attributing her distress to her failed marriage with Jackson. Despite offers of help from friends and family, she has declined assistance, stating that living on the streets feels like the safest option for her.
Willison’s story highlights the devastating consequences of mental health and addiction issues and serves as a sobering reminder of how quickly lives can change.