Inside Tom Holland and Zendaya’s ‘Love Profile’: Cute Moments from Their Sweet Reunion

The love between Tom Holland and Zendaya is secret but not secret at all. Going back in time and looking back at the moments of the two since the first Spider-Man movie, fans found this love story cute and sweet, even something like fate arranged by going around. back together again.



The couple’s name “Tomdaya” soon appeared

Tom Holland plays Spider-Man, or Peter Parker – Spider-Man’s real name in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Zendaya plays MJ – Michelle Jones (not Mary Jane), Spider-Man’s girlfriend. The two met on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming , the MCU’s first Spider-Man standalone film. And so far we have been through three Spider-Man movies, with the latest being Spider-Man: No Way Home .

Fans love the couple Peter Parker and MJ so much that they “pushed the boat” Tom Holland and Zendaya off-screen. Right from Spider-Man: Homecoming , fans of this couple combined their names into Tomdaya (similar to fans calling the couple Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in the past as Zanessa).

The media even published some rumors that the two were secretly getting to know each other, traveling together… But none of that was confirmed or had any reliable evidence. However, fans still hold out hope for a “real fake love movie” based on tidbits of information about their feelings about each other on Instagram or through interviews.

Tom Holland calls Zendaya “the person of his dreams”

In 2017, during the promotion sequence for Spider-Man: Homecoming , Tom Holland was asked who was the famous person of his dreams. Tom Holland blurted out the answer very quickly, as if without thinking, “Zendaya”.

However, Tom retracted his answer, changing it to senior Jennifer Aniston. This is a safe answer because Jennifer’s role as beautiful Rachel in FRIENDS has made many guys fall in love. But this makes fans even more suspicious, thinking that there is “something” between the two, or at least there is “a problem” on Tom Holland’s side.

Amidst the rumors of “fake love movies” springing up like mushrooms after the rain, Tom Holland affirmed that the two are just friends. Zendaya said that the rumors are something to expect, as it comes with the job to a certain extent.

Also in 2017, Tom Holland and Zemdaya participated in the show Lip Sync Battle and it can be said that that episode became “historic”. Honestly, it’s hard to forget the image of Tom Holland dancing around with an umbrella and enthusiastically lip-syncing to Rihanna’s Umbrella .


According to US Weekly, in December 2017, Tom Holland had dinner with Zendaya’s family. A source exclusively revealed that Zendaya’s family loves Tom.

Match others in both 2019 and 2020

In Spider-Man’s second standalone film, Spider-Man: Far From Home , Peter Parker finally confesses his feelings for MJ and is reciprocated. The couple officially falls in love… on screen.

But in real life, fans of the Tomdaya couple were devastated when Jacob Elordi – Zendaya’s co-star in Euphoria – was caught embracing Zendaya intimately in New York in 2020. However, the couple never confirmed it. their relationship.

Even when Jacob Elordi later dated model Kaia Gerber, meaning Jacob and Zendaya broke up, Tomdaya’s fans still couldn’t see spring. Because Tom Holland established a close relationship with Nadia Parks in 2020. British press reported that the two even went through their first quarantine together in London due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. 19. However, the relationship did not last long that year.


Paparazzi and kisses in cars


On July 2021, Tomdaya fans were finally able to celebrate, when paparazzi captured the moment the Spider-Man MCU couple kissed in Tom’s car in Los Angeles. It should be emphasized that this is not a behind-the-scenes scene at all.

The two were later seen together at Zendaya’s mother’s house. And the following month, Tom Holland and Zendaya were seen together at a wedding in California, where they danced and sweetly held hands.

If all that wasn’t enough, on Zendaya’s 25th birthday, Tom Holland posted a sweet birthday wish: “My MJ, have the happiest birthday. Call me when you wake up.”

Zendaya then commented, “Calling,” followed by a heart. Then, on another occasion, it was Zendaya’s turn to express her feelings by writing on Instagram: “My Spider-Man, so proud of you.”

Everyone knows that MJ is Peter Parker’s girlfriend, and those are the two characters they both play in the Spider-Man movie .


Have fun watching Harry Potter plays

Even though they haven’t publicly announced or confirmed their relationship, fans can see honey everywhere every time Tom Holland and Zendaya appear together in the promotional series for Spider-Man: No Way Home . Like when asked what Tom stole from the set of Spider-Man , no hammer or shield like everyone else, Tom turned to look at Zendaya and replied: “It’s your heart.”

The two were once again seen in London this year, and not at a single movie promotion or red carpet. It was on the street near Tom’s house, the two were dressed simply, walking together, and Zendaya hugged Tom’s waist in a very cute way.

Afterwards, Zendaya was spotted with Tom Holland’s family going to see the play Harry Potter and The Cursed Child .

Although neither shy nor hiding their closeness every time they appear together, Tom Holland and Zendaya still did not confirm the dating “rumors”. Both have their reasons and have expressed their opinions.

Last year, Tom Holland revealed in a not-so-specific way: “I am always determined to keep my private life private because after all, I share a lot about my life with the world. We feel we have lost our privacy. I don’t think it’s about not being ready, we just don’t want to talk about it.”

And Zendaya said: “Equality is when you really love and care for someone, some moments you wish were your own.”

Although neither Tom Holland nor Zendaya have spoken out about their relationship, up to now, fans can clearly see the word “love” between the two. And so, there is no reason for Tomdaya fans to stop “sailing” to the shore of happiness!

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