The newborn baby girl kept her uneasy expression throughout the photo shoot and is still loved


Do newborn babies have expressions? We Vietnamese people often think that everything around the baby is supported and taught by 12 midwives, so there is a reason for everything the baby does. That is the reason why many people agree with the newborn baby’s uncomfortable expression . Surely this baby is also saying to himself: It’s peaceful and healing naturally during Tet.

The baby’s newborn photos were taken by local photographer Justine Tuhy, living in the United States. After being posted on social networks, they attracted the attention of the community. The baby girl with a frowning face throughout the photo shoot is named Luna Musa, from Ohio, 3 weeks old.


The 3-week-old baby girl kept her “uncomfortable” expression throughout the photo shoot. “Luna was really quiet during the entire photo shoot,” said photographer Justine. “The girl was fast asleep in the first photo, then she woke up and became alert. Luna was completely satisfied, didn’t cry at all, but the child always kept an ‘uncomfortable’ expression in every photo.”

Ms. Lori Musa said that the whole family was present with her child during the photo shoot. They saw the girl had a strange expression but did not find it unusual until they saw the product come out of the oven. However, both Luna’s parents were very excited because they thought it was their way to reveal their personality to the world. The mother sent many pictures to relatives, and they all found it very interesting.


Baby Luna was born by cesarean section at 41 weeks and right from the moment she was born, her face seemed to be at odds with the world, her mother said: “I remember the first time I saw my baby after birth, it was her face. scowled with a frown. My baby was born by cesarean section at 41 weeks, so we assumed she was upset about being kicked out of her ‘nest’. If Luna looks relaxed and comfortable, it means she is sleeping.” In any situation, Luna does not change her expression, except when sleeping. Perhaps this is the newborn baby with the most popular expression today.


With her many years of experience taking photos, photographer Justine revealed that usually newborn babies will sleep throughout the photo shoot, and if she’s lucky, she can make them smile a little. As for Luna’s “difficult” face, this is the first time she has seen it

“These might just be the coolest baby facial expressions I’ve ever photographed! Both parents said that the baby appeared with the same face! I love it!” Justine wrote in a post on her personal page.


Many people believe that the expressions on a newborn baby’s face are taught by the midwife. According to research by the University of Georgia (USA), infants can learn skills easily throughout childhood. It is the sensitivity and education of parents over a continuous period of time that can help children control their emotions from an early age.


When a child is a few weeks old, he can imitate his mother’s actions and expressions and can look attentively. At this time, children will express emotions such as crying when hungry, in pain or laughing loudly when feeling happy and excited. Children realize that when they cry and their facial expressions, they will receive a response from their parents. It is about meeting the child’s needs. When children respond, they learn to trust and bond. Therefore, many people think that if parents are happy and interact with their children a lot, the newborn will naturally have a happy face, causing a lot of sympathy. However, in the case of little Luna being angry at the whole world, it would be unfair for her parents, because she was born with such an expression.

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